Monday, January 8, 2007

Sooo Many Things To Do !!!!!!

So I had a todo list but I only have half of it done.

But that is OK. I'm not really sweatin' it. I have a lot on my plate but I feel so confident right now that things are not really bugging me. I'll be getting myself worked out here soon.

Anyway, I was thinking that I never really talked about the purpose of this blog. I want to use it to chronicle my journey through entrepreneurship this year. I have many, many, many plans and I need a place to remind myself of the actions that I take and how they pan out. This way I can regularly have a lessons learned summary.

So what are my plans?

Well, I need to create multiple streams of income. Here they are:

1) Internet Marketing - Niche products: although this stream will have multiple tributaries, it falls under the same process of marketing online. I will find niches, research profitability, find what they want, need, desire, and fear. Then I will provide whatever is missing from the void very quickly and easily, put together an array of products from leveraging ONE product that I create, and drive traffic (for free) to the sales page of the product I create.

2) I will document my progress in finding markets, creating products, & selling to niches so that I can teach others about it, if it is successful.

3)Spiritual Counseling - I am building a spiritual counseling practice and the objective is to get as many clients as possible. Well, not that many because I don't want to eat up all of my time exchanging hours for money. But I do fully intend to have a regular docket of 10-20 clients.

4) Personal and Spiritual Growth Programs - I will be creating multiple spiritual and personal growth programs that I will sell online and that are married to my spiritual counseling practice.

So there is the broad overview of my projects for 2007.

My Internet Projects:

My first Internet marketing project for the year, is progressing nicely. I have several people reviewing the site and they will be providing testimonials. I am also looking for joint venture partners to help promote the site. I will keep you posted on my progress on these ventures.

I need to revamp and monetize but it is not very high on my priority list right now. It will have to wait.

For now, adios and vaya con dios



Biz Empire said...

Hello Wendy,

I am looking forward to your next entry. Our goals are closely matched. I have some current projects that I need to get done first, but I am very, very serious about Niche products and passive income.

Life coaching is in line with my core values. Like you, I would want between 10 and 20 clients. I know I was born to do this, but this value is not as strong as my need to start and build businesses. That said I still feel a need to do it and I think it would help me in other areas too.

This blog would almost serve as a mentor for me.

Thank you.

P.S. I can't tell you how impressed I am with what you are doing and what you have accomplished.

Founder - DIYWebTech.Com said...


Thank you so much for leaving me feedback. You inspired me to make another entry!

I will keep you posted on my progress and if you ever try any of the things that I am trying, let me know.

